Pardon me while I close the door ranked #1 on kindle– In the category of grief and bereavement in February, and May of 2016. Ranked #1 on kindle in April 2018– In the category of grief and bereavement.
Pardon Me While I Close The Door is no longer available to read on Amazon or Kindle
But it is available through the Toronto Public Library, Regina Public Library and Yellowknife Public Library in NWT.
One of my flash fiction stories was published: April 2018, anthology collection for Title of story: Another Minute, Another Hour, Another Day.
Short story published in polar expressions anthology collection: Lilith and the Vampires December, 2018.
Longlisted for third quarter 2017 #flash500
Longlisted for final quarter 2017 #flash500
Flash Fictions published on
Flash Fictions published on
Flash Fictions published on
Flash Fiction on www.fiftywordstories
Flash Fiction
You can follow me on twitter: @SierhuisMarjan
My second book: “The Dog Stays and Other Stories” is now available at and